
发布时间:2020-12-11   动态浏览次数:96



15 Years, 15 Lectures: Advancing IC in a Post COVID World, No. 5

题目Title: Intercultural Dialogues: Some Theory Guided Practical Tips for Managers

主讲人 Speaker: Dharm Bhawuk(美国夏威夷大学马诺阿分校教授)

日期 Date: 2020年11月27日(星期五)

时间 TIme: 上午9:00-10:30 

地点 Place: 腾讯会议(会议号:893 203 663)

主持人 Moderator: 顾力行(上海外国语大学跨文化研究中心执行主任)



    Framed in 2005 and officially launched in 2006, the SISU Intercultural Institute (SII) invites you to join us in celebrating our 15th year (2020-2021) through this series of online lectures! At conferences we hosted in 2010 we adopted the motto of “Developing a Discipline to Develop People” and a decade later, there is an even greater need to keep “advancing intercultural research, teaching, and praxis” to prepare us to deal with the realities of the current pandemic and hoped-for post-COVID world. Join our special SII invited guest professors as each one addresses important research perspectives, methods, or approaches to develop the interdisciplinary relevance of intercultural communication studies and cross-cultural relations for today.


    随着全球化的发展,人们对文化冲击等问题的认识逐渐加深,研究跨文化互动理论显得意义重大。本次讲座Bhawuk教授将围绕“Intercultural Dialogues: Some Theory Guided Practical Tips for Managers”一文展开讨论,内容涉及民族中心主义等影响跨文化互动的问题,以及相关跨文化技能。了解跨文化对话的理论基础,用理论指导行为,可以提高文化敏感性,提升跨文化互动效果。

    In a globalized world where culture shock has become a common word, it is of great significance to learn the theory of intercultural interaction. Centering on Professor Bhawuk’s paper: Intercultural Dialogues: Some Theory Guided Practical Tips for Managers, this lecture aims to discuss issues such as ethnocentrism, and relevant skills that are involved with intercultural dialogues. When we have a deeper understanding of the theory and are equipped with skills grounded in theory, we can better develop our intercultural sensitivity, thus facilitating intercultural communication.


    Dharm Bhawuk,国夏威夷大学马诺阿分校教授,于1967年毕业于伊利诺伊大学并获得博士学位(哲学),国际跨文化培训和组织心理学领域著名学者。 Dharm Bhawuk在跨文化管理与培训、文化理论、多元文化下的全球职场、印度本土文化研究、企业文化及文化与伦理研究等方面有突出贡献。著有《跨文化心理学亚洲的贡献》《灵性与印度心理学》等专著,[1] 发表学术论文60余篇。他的研究大量收录于跨文化心理学及管理学的国际期刊。他曾为SCI国际期刊《国际跨文化关系》(IJIR)编辑和撰写“全球化与多元化”特刊,为SCI国际期刊《心理学与社会发展》编辑和撰写“印度心理学”特刊。 

    Dharm Bhawuk (Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Illinois) is currently a professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His research interests include but not limit to indigenous psychology and management, cross-cultural training, intercultural sensitivity, diversity in the workplace, individualism and collectivism, culture and creativity, and spirituality.